Spring Is About To Spring!!!
I know, I know.. Linda hasn't posted anything other than some pictures in long time, so maybe she just isn't much of a blogger.. That may very well be true... Sometimes it is just hard to find the time to type up something witty and interesting... And sometimes when I do have the time, I find that I don't have anything witty and interesting to say!!! Well, right now I have a little bit of time, and we'll just see if witty and interesting follows...
I am really looking forward to spring this year for the first time in a couple of years. Two years ago I was pregnant with Ian and on restricted activity, so I did not get to go outside and play very much. Then last year Ian was still a baby, so it was tough to get out much. But this year.... Ian is an ambulatory toddler (20 months old right now), and he loves to go out and play! That means that I get to go outside and play a lot too!!! Woo hoo!!!!
One of several things that I inherated from my Dad was a love of gardening, especially gardening. His flower beds were always just overflowing with all kinds of flowers, and I have traditionally done the same thing myself. Except for the past 2 years.... That is going to change this year, and I'm so excited!!!! In a few weeks it will be time to go out there to my rose garden and do battle with them as I do the spring pruning. That is always a huge job since there are about 12 bushes to deal with. But I will get them pruned into submission!
Once it gets warm enough, I'll head to the greenhouses and decide about annual bedding plants. I haven't done those in several years... I know that there will be marigolds and petunias, but I'm not sure what else... I love lantana, so I will get a few of those.. Actually, right now the daffodils are abut to bloom... They will be so pretty. There are so many of them out there!! I know that I should probably thin them out, and I may do that this year...
I'll take some before pictures soon and post them, and then post updated pictures throughout the season.
I must go for now... Remember that God is wonderful and He loves each one of us whether we deserve it or not!!!
There is noting better than the fresh bud of spring daffodils...
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