
Wife, mother, Christian, and now blogger!

Sunday, April 27, 2008

11 Years Coming To An End...

I have one more week left with my current employer, and it has finally really hit me that I am actually leaving! This June would have been my 11-year anniversary at the same place - Waaaay longer than I have ever worked at one place. (I think that my previous record was 2 1/2 years...) This really has been a great place to work - Wonderful co-workers and bosses, nice facilities, usually enjoyable work, an opportunity to grown and learn. They have been very good to me indeed.

I remember when I first came to work there. For the first several months I felt like I didn't not really fit in, and it hurt. I was quieter then and more shy, so it took me a while to open up to people. And there was a co-worker who seemed to exclude me at every turn.. I still feel a sense of bitterness toward her. But the experience taught me to be more outgoing and not so sensitive. I try to make certain that I never let anyone feel the way that this lady made me feel way back then. I hope I never do.

In 1998 things were really tough at work. Due to some bad business decisions by executive leadership, we lost millions of dollars. Luckily our parent company decided to bail us out, but we had to undergo a pretty big lay-off. Man, that was a stressful day! The boss told me and a co-worker fairly early in the day that we were okay, so we went about our work for the day. But others weren't so lucky. The most amazing part was when my immediate boss voluntarily gave up her job to save the jobs of 3 people in our department. That has got to be the most selfless thing that I have ever witnessed. She came back a couple of years later and is still my boss today. She is the best role model that I have ever had.

Over the following years I was allowed to move to a supervisor position and then to Management. I will always be grateful for the learning opportunities that this company has given me, for how they believed in me and supported me.

One more week..... Wow...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Loved your post..what an amazing example your Manager set for all of us. Thanks for sharing and for reminding me that I too have been at my job for 11 yrs!! Where does the time go?

10:07 AM  

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